
Phone: (509) 540-2405

Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm

  • WA State DNR
  • US Dept. of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS)
  • United States Forest Service (USFS)
  • Oregon Dept. of Forestry (ODF)
Forest Stand Improvement

Removing selected trees or understory vegetation. This practice serves many different purposes such as:

  • Promotes healthy and sustainable growth.
  • Reduces damage caused by pests and moisture stress.
  • Reduces fire risk and hazards.
  • Improves wildlife and pollinator habitats.
Forestry Mulching (Mastication)

Is overgrown brush making it hard to get the most from your land? Forestry mulching services can help you take control of your property. Clearing land and overgrown brush doesn’t have to become a headache. The process is relatively quick, easy, and also environmentally responsible. Brush, branches, and small trees are no match for this service!

Woody Residue Treatment (Slash/debris removal)

Woody residue treatment reduces/addresses the management of slash and debris created during forestry, logging, agroforestry or horticultural
activities, or resulting from natural disasters. Benefits include:

  • Reduced wildfire hazard.
  • Reduced risk of smoke.
  • Reduced risk of harmful insects and disease.
  • Improved access to forage for grazing and browsing animals.
  • Improved soil organic matter retention.
  • Improved site conditions for natural or artificial regeneration.
Tree Pruning

This practice is applied to support one or more of the following purposes:

  • Promotes better productivity, health, and strength.
  • Reduce excessive plant pest pressure.
  • Reduces wildfire risk and safety hazards.
Right of Way (ROW) & Fire Fuel Breaks

ROW’s and fuel breaks are cleared and easily accessible strips of land that vary in width depending on location, terrain, and surrounding vegetation/foliage. Fuel breaks split up large, continuous tracts of dense, natural fuels, thus reducing the risk of wildfire. ROW’s offer accessibility for utilities, property lines/trails, and private roads and driveways. Both need to be maintained to avoid a buildup of noxious and invasive plants and woody materials such as dead limbs or blown-down trees in order to maintain accessibility and the diminished risk of fire spread.

Wildfire Mitigation

Simply put, Wildfire Mitigation is the process of reducing the risk of wildfires. “Defensible space” and “Firewise” may be terms you’ve heard if you live in an area at risk of fire. Fires will happen, and our mitigation services, using any of the above listed methods, help to ensure proactive defense and protection against them.

Wildfire Supression

Our operators and equipment can be utilized by government agencies as resources for fighting active wildfires. When the need arises, we do our very best to asisst as needed to reduce catastrophic damage being caused by fires.

Wildfire Rehabilitaion

Fires can result in a huge amount of damage. Rehab actions take place to improve fire-damaged lands that are unlikely to recover naturally. This allows for reforestation, re-seeding, etc. and puts the canvas back to a blank slate so that it can begin recovering back to a thriving, healthy habitat.

Serving all of washington & oregon

Estimates and site visits are always free!